Friday, June 20, 2008

Almost Done

Whew! We are almost done with our house renovation. Just one more hallway and a stairwell to paint. One more light to put up and about 6 doorknobs to switch out. The bottom level needs to be shampoo'd and all the windows need to be washed inside and out, but then we will be done with the interior of the house. We are planning on moving in this next week. We've already gotten several kitchen boxes unpacked and are washing every dish in the dishwasher. Once we move in, we've got exterior renovations to do. I've never let my yard get as overgrown as it currently is. My every waking moment is either renovating or helping James with his Eagle Scout Project. But the end is near. I have nothing new to blog about since I have been doing nothing but the house. I promised to blog once a week, so here it is. Once we're moved in, we'll be going up to the cabin for another week - for us to unwind and celebrate the end.

1 comment:

Laura D said...

ok so have been almost done for a while now- i wanna see some pictures! :) hope you are doing alright