Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Queen!

So, our little Emma is a little spoiled. She seems to get what she wants, or she whines for it until someone gives in and we are trying really hard to break her of it. So one day, I was fed up with her "I deserve this" attitude, I made a smart aleck comment that she is not a princess and she does not get everything handed to her on a silver platter. She looked me dead serious and said "Yes I am a princess, Aunt DD said we are yelated to kings and queens, so that makes me a princess". Thanks alot Diana. Now I had to explain that we were related through the history to the kings and queens back in the time of Robin Hood - not the current monarchy, although I guess that distantly we might be. So fast forward a month, and I made a sarcastic comment about someone (no names mentioned) having a specific chore and if they got that chore done on time, then I'm the Queen of England. And once again, Emma pops up and says "You're not the Queen of England mommy, you're just yelated to her"..........time elapses........then she says quietly "maybe".

1 comment:

The Chicago Bowlers said...

What can I say? She's her aunt's niece! What a cutie!